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TearCare with Meibomian Gland Expression

Your tears are made up of 3 layers- mucus, water and oil. 86% of Dry eye patients are due to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. The Meibomian glands in the eyelids produce the lipid or oil layer of the tear film. The lipid layer stabilizes the aqueous or water layer of the tear film slowing down the evaporation of tears. Insufficient lipid layer leads to evaporative dry eye. When we blink, our eyelids express the lipid out of the meibomian glands and the oil is drawn across the tear film. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) occurs when the glands become inflamed, and the lipid turns from a clear oil to a thick butter like consistency. Chronic inflammation of the glands not only thickens the oil making it more difficult to express out of the glands, but it can cause the glands to shrink, atrophy and die. Intervention with treatments such as TearCare® can help.

supplies sustained localized heat to the eyelids to aid in treatment of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), dry eye and blepharitis. This softens the hardened oils that clog the meibomian glands of the eyelids. Afterwards, pressure is applied to the eyelids to express the glands and squeeze out the oils. This has been shown to improve dry-eye symptoms in subjects with MGD, compared to treatment with artificial tears alone.

The studies for the TearCare® system demonstrated that it is safe and effective in treating the signs and symptoms of Dry eye Disease (DED). Significant improvement in signs and symptoms were seen in 100% of subjects within 1 week and 84# of subjects experienced meaningful symptomatic relief.

TearCare is not currently covered by insurance; however, Sights Sciences will provide a $50 patient rebate as well as a money back guarantee which makes TearCare one of our most popular treatment options at TSO. This treatment option is likely more cost effective than other prescription dry eye products and treats the root cause of your dry eye which can help bring function back to your glands.